Learning to fly

This are a number of schools where one can learn to fly, whether it may be Hang gliding, Paragliding, or Weight Shift Microlighting (trikes) you are interested in.

A good way to start is to contact a club or a school and talk to someone in the sport. Then, perhaps try a tandem flight, weekend course or a full training course.

A list of Chief Flying Instructors based in Victoria with school names where available is included below. See the SAFA website for information about instructors in other states in Australia.

For a map of schools, see the site guide.

HG = Hang Gliding, PG = Paragliding, ML = Microlight

Chief Flying Instructor School HG PG ML PPG Contact details
Peter Holloway Freedom Airsports 478 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham
VIC 3132
Mob: 0409 526 805
Fred Gungl Activeflight Paragliding Bright
Mob: 0428 854455
Ted Jenkins Alpine Paragliding 4 Ireland St, Bright, Vic 3741
Tel: (03) 5755 1753
Fax: (03) 5750 1153
High Adventure - Great Ocean Road 30 Strathmore Drive
Jan Juc, VIC 3228
Mob: 0490 836 441
Wally Arcidiacono Bright Flight Bright
Mob: 0481 283 489
Brian Webb XCkms Bright
Mob: 0417 530972
Phil Joughin Airology Bright / Mt. Beauty
Mob: 0434 364 813
Olly Wagner Updraft Paragliding Rowville
Mob: 0411 533 625​
Airie Merlin Melbourne Paragliding Melbourne
Mob: 0474 128 219​
Geoff White DTK Microlights Tel: (03) 5122 3489
Mob: 0437 073 400